But they always lead to one searing truth: if I hadn’t known what was in my own daughter’s heart, how could I pretend to know what is in anyone else’s heart without that person telling me? The answer: I don’t know. While endorsing NAMI’s “symptoms of inner peace,” my ...
Which beast would win in a tournament of mortal combat: the king of the jungle, a ferocious striped feline, or a godless marauding killing machine (aka bear)? In other words, who is the ultimate carnivore? In the spirit of the recent NCAA basketball tournament, let’s find out....
Her stories and characters are so rich and engaging. In “Dear Edward”, twelve-year-old Edward is on a plane with his parents and older brother. They are moving to California. The plane crashes and Edward is the only survivor. The novel alternates between chapter on the plane, leading up...
Reality. In 1988, that word was just beginning a seismic semantic split, blazing a new definitional pathway that signified not merely ontology but a new form of televisuality. A decade or so before “Survivor”and “Big Brother”, and a few years before even “The Rea...