Or there’s the co-discoverer of insulting—whoops, that’s autocorrect reminding me of what I’m doing here, but I meant insult—damn it, I did it again, that’s not autocorrect, it’s just my subconscious—INSULIN. Dr. Frederick Banting! This is why you’re not the BEST (haw haw...
Among her most acclaimed performances were those in Of Human Bondage (1934) and Dangerous (1935), the latter of which won her the first of two Academy Awards. However, Davis is perhaps best remembered for her role as Margo Channing in All About Eve (1950), a performance that earned her...
I had the vet out again, and we took a few x-rays and gave her an injection to settle the swelling and we’ll see how it is in two weeks. This one I’m not so upset about because it is the knee that she injured as a 2-yr-old, so I relatively expected that it might need ...
when arguing a 1993 case about guns, he said, “When someone asks, ‘Do you use a cane?’, he is not inquiring whether you have your grandfather’s silver-handled walking stick on display in the hall; he wants to know whether you walk with a cane.” ...
Weaver and he can see me at 9 AM. Ever since my primary care doctor ordered a $2300 CAT scan of my brain before entertaining alternatives medicines I’ve decided to go to the chiropractor first and primary care second. In reality, I meet my deductible with my allergy shots anyway so ...
In good news. We’ve finally figured out why my back always hurts, and it’s that my SI joint pops out of place. My PCP is able to do osteopathic manipulation (it is not chiropractor type stuff, which I do not trust), to help pop it back into place which alleviates the pain until...
In 1804, the country was created by the state legislature and was named in honor of General James Potter, an Irish-born commander who served under Washington during the Revolution. Settlement of the county began soon after this. William Ayers is considered the first settler in the county and...