Then William Hartnell, the First Doctor. And then... Whose face is that? Could it be an old, evil version of the Doctor from the classic show, newly canonized with an official regeneration? And could that ancient evil figure also be the season's Big Bad, a.k.a. The One Who Waits...
When Joy opens a secret doorway to the Time Hotel she discovers the Doctor, danger and a deadly plan unfolding across Earth. Just for fun Pyramids of Mars Sutekh is the last of a powerful alien race called the Osirans, a paranoid megalomaniac who believes all life is his enemy. ...
An open and shut case can be made that the media in 2010 is NOT “Corporate-owned,” as so many fearful political analysts put it, but rather, “Jew-owned.” This author does not fear the Jews and needs no pleasing euphemisms agreeable to Jewish ears. So long as the Jews control Amer...
There are double-sided health/sanity tokens which we only ran out of in the last combat, and really tiny inventory tokens which are about the size of a punched out bit of paper from a hole punch. So many tokens! The System Play in the Arkham Horror RPG is split into two types of s...
The Last Tortoise: A Tale of Extinction in Our Lifetime Author: Dr. Craig Stanford Genres: Science | Nature/Ecology Publisher: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press (May 15, 2010) At the center of this beautifully written work is Stanford’s own research in the Mascarene and Galapa...
Stephen King is a prolific author. To date, he has written 54 novels and over 200 short stories, many of which have been adapted for the screen. Predominantly, King has specialised in the horror genre, as The Shining, Misery and Salem’s Lot (to name but three) attest. Nevertheless, th...
On "Demon Slayer," one Hashira is far weaker than the rest of the Core, but in the end it doesn't really matter as they're also one of the most deadly.
Is there a future for the Columbophile blog as it enters its 10th year of operation? Let’s see… New book to shed light on unproduced Columbo mysteries! 34 Behind the scenes / Book / Columbo News March 25, 2024 Author David Koenig is back with another sneaky peek into the unseen ...
The Fullerreplied, "The arrangement is impossible as far as I am concerned,for whatever I should whiten, you would immediately blacken againwith your charcoal." Like will draw like. The Father and His Sons A FATHER had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelingamong themselves. When he...
The oddest thing, really. I just woke up one morning, literally, and as I was waking, a question popped into my head, ”Who is the King of Ashes?” I have zero ideas where that question came from. Seriously, it’s the first time in my life anything related to a dream or sleep ...