I rationalized away the slight absurdity of this by figuring that they were killing off Craig’s 007 to make way for a new one — which, in essence, is what happens every time a different actor takes over the role.Yet in the months after I wrote that review, as I absorbed the ...
done directors in film history, perhaps none are as well-known or as celebrated asCharles Laughton. The acclaimed British actor gave many great performances throughout his career, and he also directed a single movie that ended up being regarded as a film noir classic:The Night of the Hunter....
'The Mandalorian' fans were wondering who the actor playing Boba Fett in 'The Tragedy" was—it turns out its Temuera Morrison, who played Jango in the prequels.
But let’s get more exact. We need a single number that summarizes a career in moviemaking. The easiest number to count up is the sum of box-office receipts for each actor’s subsequent films. This doesn’t catch everything — we miss all those Batman shows andmalt liquor commercials, ...
Perhaps Brake's most high-profile role is playing the Night King in seasons four and five ofGame of Thrones. Brake naturally had no lines as the mysterious and mute leader of the White Walkers, so the actor had to rely on physicality alone to convey the Night King's deadly intentions. ...
Boba Fett is easily one of the coolest characters in the Star Wars universe. Audiences first fell in love with this bounty hunter in The Empire Strikes Back, when he was contracted to bring Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt. Viewers don't get much information about Fett aside ...
a voice actor for animated roles, such as Dr. Strangesnork onSnorksand Chef Louis in Disney'sThe Little Mermaid. After the end ofDS9, Auberjonois portrayed lawyer Paul Lewiston onBoston Legalalongside William Shatner, and continued acting right up until his death in 2019 at the age of 79....
This interstellar hunter would give Boba Fett a run for his money. Largely known as a bounty hunter seeking the highest of rewards, Lobo is a burly alien biker with a wicked attitude. He gained popularity among comic fans shortly after his introduction and has since gone on to enjoy his ow...
my level of maturity, the more my head hurts. Could you at least explain how you came to conclusion that the whole world, save me, would suspend their disbelief of a Guatemalan actor with clearly Hispanic looks playing the part of the very Caucasian Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford’s son?
The actor will reprise that role in a much larger capacity inSpider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, andEmpire(viaCBR) recently quizzed him on who he believes would win in a fight: Spider-Man 2099 or Moon Knight. "It's interesting - they have some similarities,...