But in May of the same year, he hit the front pages again for his part in the MPs expenses scandal, with the Daily Telegraph revealing he had claimed £312 for fitting mock Tudor beams to his constituency home, and for two new toilet seats in as many years. He told the newspaper: ...
Park's career trajectory is an inspiring tale of determination and passion. She earned her degree in psychology from the University of British Columbia, but her heart yearned for the glamour and excitement of the entertainment industry. She made her on-screen debut in the late 90s, but her ...
inLatin,itwouldbesemperdistans,alwaysdistant. 她跟你永保距离 Shessemperdistanstoyou. 天啊贾许在奔跑 Oh,myGod.Joshisrunning. 是他的老婆在吼他 Itshiswifeshoutingathim. 不他真的在跑他看到那女子后逃跑了 No,reallythough.Hesrunning.Hesawthatwoman,andheranaway. 他像是被恶魔紧追着一样逃跑了 Her...
Your Excellency, it became so base that expressions of jealous over the cars that you handed out to your other constituency of sycophants, the Political Actors Dialogue, (Polad) were raised, hence the thanksgiving ceremony got cheapened to a much ado about nothing gathering. How dare they clai...
It hasn’t been true in my entire life, but we used to say “police woman.” And if you think there is no difference in gender performance for both of those, you’re off your rocker. And you shouldn’t talk while the adults are talking. Because police women have both advantages and...
Unknown to the MP - who shared a drink with Diggett after work on Friday night - he even used the computer at Mr Purnell's constituency office in Hyde Town Hall, Greater Manchester, to trawl the internet for under-age girls to take part in his depraved fantasies. Diggett is a long-...
Standing with his shoulders pushed back, his jaw jutting defiantly, just as he did when he fought the Germans, Taylor cut a determined figure but he had little chance. An MP has no legal duty to take up the battles of their constituents, even one as morally compelling as his fight for...
destroyed scores of lives and wreaked irreparable economic damage. The ATS team under Karkare had pointed out VHP leader Praveen Togadia’s role in the blasts. The ATS under Raghuvanshi dropped the investigation against him saying (please hold your laughter) they do not know who Togadia is!
His adult life comprised three distinct periods: as a scientific inquirer lacking money; achieving great wealth and standing through his reputation for hard work and scrupulous honesty following the great fire of 1666, but eventually becoming ill and party to jealous intellectual disputes. These ...
After standing for parliament as a Labour candidate at the 1964 general election, his health was affected by the onset of psoriatic arthropathy which necessitated Potter changing careers and led to him becoming a television dramatist. His new career began with contributions to the BBC's Wednesday ...