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Fifty Shades is associated with health risks in adolescent and young adult females. Journal of Women’s Health, 23(9), 720–728. Article Google Scholar Bowcott, O., & Grierson, J. (2020). MPs to try to ban “rough sex” murder defence in domestic abuse bill. Retrieved June 3, 2020...
Third-partymaterials.Ifyouwishtoreusematerialfromthisworkthatisattributedtoathirdparty,suchastables,figures orimages,itisyourresponsibilitytodeterminewhetherpermissionisneededforthatreuseandtoobtainpermissionfrom thecopyrightholder.Theriskofclaimsresultingfrominfringementofanythird-party-ownedcomponentintheworkrests ...
@polimi-ispl Kenya (1) @Multimedia-University-of-Kenya New Zealand Crown Research Institutes (6) @AgResearch @ESR-NZ @niwa @PlantandFoodResearch @ScionResearch @waikato-datamining Nigeria (1) @ISTH-BNITM-PHE Pakistan (1) @university-of-turbat Philippines (1) @InternationalRic...
Previously established World Health Organization (WHO) International Standards (IS) for anti-HPV16 and HPV18 antibodies are used to harmonize results across human papillomavirus (HPV) serology assays. Here, we present an international collaborative study
Keven Smith, a Torres Strait man and chief executive of Queensland South Native Title Services, says the connection of traditional owners to a place is not defined by whether they are able to be granted native title. “If you ask the question of who owns Australia, I would say that First...
The Further information can be obtained as follows; Recipient's attention is drawn in particular to the provisions of clause 11 This material: enquiries@ of the Conditions. WHO Biological Standards: /biologicals/en/ Page 1 of 2 16. INFORMATION FOR CUSTOMS USE ONLY Toxicity Statement: Non-toxic...
Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (“FLCT”) is committed to developing sustainable financing practices that are in line with international standards and guidelines and intends to actively leverage on financing opportunities to achieve our sustainability goals. ...
s point of view is related to her sense of her community belonging to the community she serves and to the community of employees she is a part of—and what are the consequences of employees who do not see themselves as part of a community anymore, namely, lacking “communityness”. After...
This "sister" site was originally created in 2008 by the publisher, Marquis Who's Who® LLC. to promote is directory: Who's Who in American Art. Who's Who was celebrating 110 years of publishing their venerable Who's Who books. As reference needs and audiences grew and diversified, Who...