In Scripture, Satan is referred to as Lucifer or the devil, to name a few. The evolution of the Beelzebub as a reference to Satan is linked to the Pharisees. The name became a bitter, scornful word and Jews began to use it as a reference to Satan. Ashley Hooker Contributing Writer ...
Satan often likes to use the same tricks, just under different names. We have to watch and stay vigilant for such things. Finally, we know that we need to be careful about what we let infiltrate our lives. The Bible doesn't really mention if the Israelites engaged in Dagon worship. But...
In the Bible the evil one is spoken of Satan, otherwise known as the Devil. His origin and everything that centers around him, his attributes, can be traced back to the older source in the theology of the Metu Neter of the Africans of Kemet
This is who you are. 这就是你的意义 And any voices in your mind that try and tell 你心底的声音不停地告诉你 you differently are from the Enemy, 你和敌人口中的人完全不同 and the next time you hear them, this is what you say. 下次当你...
Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44) and has been lying from the beginning. He was behind each of the major crises of faith and obedience down through the
Yes, there are dragons in the Bible, but primarily as symbolic metaphors. Scripture employs dragon imagery to describe sea monsters, serpents, sinister cosmic forces, and even Satan. In the Bible, the dragon appears as the primal enemy of God, who is used to display God's supremacy over al...
How Old is the Earth? Who is Satan? What is the Gospel? CHRISTIAN RADIO/PODCASTS Answers in Genesis Conversations That Matter Eschatology Matters Grace To You Love Worth Finding Stand To Reason The Bible Study Hour The Christian Worldview ...
The Daily Spurgeon DOCTRINE Who is God?Who is Jesus Christ?Who is The Holy Spirit?Is God a Trinity?Is the Bible reliable?How Old is the Earth?Who is Satan?What is the Gospel? CHRISTIAN RADIO/PODCASTS Answers in GenesisConversations That MatterEschatology MattersGrace To YouLove Worth Finding...
is commonly known as the trinity, however the term is not in the Bible. The three of them are united as One. Jesus said that if we have seen Him, we have seen God because Jesus was in His image. We can know all about the Father by reading about Jesus in the Gospels....
This film is a perfect introduction to Jesus through the Gospel of Luke. Jesus constantly surprises and confounds people, from His miraculous birth to His rise from the grave. Follow His life through excerpts from the Book of Luke, all the miracle...