Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985, in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, a small island off the western coast of the country. Ronaldo is the youngest of four children born to Maria Dolores dos Santos and José Dinis Aveiro. He was named after Ronald Reagan, one of his father's favorite acto...
上月的皇马比赛,有个小球迷举着牌子上书“who needs Ronaldo?”是的,谁需要C罗? 看看是不是很快被打脸了? 凌晨的比赛,皇家马德里的西甲首战击败赫塔费,取得联赛开门红。 本场比赛共有48466名观众,而伯纳乌球场最多能容纳81044人。上座率不到60%,这是皇马近9年来主场上座率最低的一次。 好巧,c罗在皇马待了9...
而有趣的是在C罗离开伯纳乌之后就有一个小球迷在看台上打出了“who needs Ronaldo?”的标语一度引起舆论的各种争辩。现在看来,小球迷要为当初的行为懊悔吧!当初如此兴高采烈的“欢送”C罗离开,现在才一个赛季就已经品尝到了没有他的恶果,各项赛事都各种凉凉,徒留一个西甲联赛却也是夺冠基本无望!还有什么好说的...
Before each year’s edition of EA Sports FIFA is released – and indeed after – there is always hot debate about what each player’s rating should be. Just as in real life, each year has seen Messi and Ronaldo vying for the top spot in the game. Here’s the year-by-year breakdown...
Who Is The Mother Of Cristiano Ronaldo Jr 03:37 Why Did Ronaldo Nazario Get A Strange Haircut In The 2002 World Cup 05:02 Why Newcastle are suddenly amazing 13:41 Why Jack Grealish is Perfect for Pep Guardiola.mp4 13:07 Why Do African Teams Fail At The World Cup ...
英文原版 Who Is Cristiano Ronaldo? 谁是罗纳尔多 足球运动员 儿童科普百科 Gregory Copeland 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 作者:James出版社:Penguin出版时间:2022年07月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥39.00 配送至 广东广州市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“瑞雅图书专营店”发货,并提供售后服务。
(5分)Robin: Do you know Ronaldo?Sarah: 1.Who is he?Robin: He is a great football player in Portugal (葡萄牙).Robin: He is tall and thin. He's hard-working, too. He plays sports every day.Sarah: 2.Sarah: 3. A. Of course I can.Robin: He likes fish best. It's healthy fo...
Daily Mail (London)
Ronaldo explained: 'Mateo, he really likes [Kylian] Mbappe. He sometimes tells me: "Hey dad, Mbappe is better than you," and I reply by saying: "No, I am better than him, I have scored more goals."' Indeed, Ronaldo has scored significantly more goals than...
Who is Cristiano Ronaldo ?马拉多纳zz严禁商业机构或公司转载,违者必究;球迷转载请注明来源“懂球帝”热门评论(3) 小朱师太鸽 2021-11-05 19:52:24 86 两个月踢出很多球员一辈子都没有的高光时刻 无名指CR 2021-11-05 20:12:19 56 本世纪最强球员、没有之一! 查看回复(1) 智者千虑着 2021-...