Concentration, Christological
In this cutting-edge collection of essays, an extraordinary and diverse group of biblical scholars, theologians, and ethicists from around the world offer perspectives on topics such as the New Testament portraits of Jesus of Nazareth and their reception history; interpretative efforts to understand th...
While Jesus is often derided by modern Jews, this was not the case in the earliest of times. In fact, little negative material related to Jesus can be found in 1stand 2ndcentury Jewish literature. Jesus was largely recognized as a popular teacher who was revered by His followers and respect...
It may sound innocuous to us, but those in that courtroom knew exactly what Jesus meant. The “son of man” was the human/divine ruler who would judge the entire world at the end of time. So Jesus was saying, in effect, “I stand before you today in your court, but at the end o...
They believe that since Muhammad was an assumed descendant of Ishmael, Abraham's first son, then Muhammad qualifies as a 'brother' to the Israelites, and is indeed the prophet who Moses foretold in Deuteronomy 18:18.The New Testament tells us that Jesus is the prophet Moses foretold (Acts ...
of antichrist was actually right under their nose and the word spread quickly. It was discovered that the antichrist was not an individual but an entire system that denies Jesus came in the flesh and has greatly affected what is important to God such as His sanctuary, His Church and His ...
In this discourse, which you can read in full inJohn Chapter 8, Jesus clearly taught that he is the source of truth and only speaks truth, and that the Devil (Satan) is the source of lies, and only speaks lies. When we evaluate what is “true” today, in mo...
Most of the Jews in the world today live either in Israel or the United States.Answer and Explanation: Jesus is the founder of the Christian religion. Traditionally, Christians believe that he was the son of god and was born to a Virgin named Mary......
42 Only one thing is important. Mary has chosen the better thing, and it will never be taken away from her.” My name is Martha and I’m a friend of Jesus. My home was one of His favorite places to stay–a refuge for Him whose life was so busy. I joyfully opened my house for...
Citizens have the opportunity of willingly surrendering their lives to Jesus - the King of Kings! Psalm 110:3 "Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power." Just as Jesus saves through believers preaching the Gospel; and...