Monkey D. Luffy is a young man from a powerful familywhose greatest dream in life is to become the next pirate king. It's a dream that can only be realized if he manages to acquire the story's MacGuffin, a fabled treasure of immeasurable value acquired by the late great...
Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2 is an upcoming live-action/2D/3D computer traditional animated fantasy-romantic-musical-black slapstick comedy film and a sequel to the first 1988 film of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It will be produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios. in asso...
The Think partnership had taken two years of full-time effort to put together, but Duvall let it go as easily as releasing a kite. Think is now self-sustaining. “Life is all about movement, and when you stop moving, you’re dead!” she says. “That’s my big philosophy--it’s al...
The Think partnership had taken two years of full-time effort to put together, but Duvall let it go as easily as releasing a kite. Think is now self-sustaining. “Life is all about movement, and when you stop moving, you’re dead!” she says. “That’s my big philosophy--it’s al...