Below is a list of companies whose networks were shown to have been phoning home to some of the same control infrastructure that was used in the attack on RSA. The first victims appear to have begun communicating with the attacker’s control networks as early as November 2010. A few caveats...
@bivium6WiFi lmao you cheeky beggar lol and yes the Doctor as the Ferryman is kind of appealing a non judgemental facilitator to the promised land @IAmNotAFishIAmAFreeMan Clara could see River, resist Dalekisation, enter the Doctor’s life thingymabob etc my pet theories are Jenny or daugh...
with that said, right now who would be your pick to win the nomination. not who you think has the best chance of winning vs trump or who is most likely to win the nomination. who are you most likely to vote for if the election was going with the list from the hillht...
The ‘Storm Area 51’ raid attendee and YouTuber known as Elixir became aviral meme “It is ‘3, 2, 1, lift-off’ tonight for space fans and conspiracy theorists alike,” saysKTNV Channel 13’s Trisha Keen, in the nasal vocal tones exclusive to US new...