Okuda Manami is a bright and studious member of Class 3-E in the animeAssassination Classroom. As an expert in chemistry, she uses her knowledge to create various poisons and chemicals to help her classmates in their mission to assassinate their alien teacher, Koro-sensei. Despite her shy deme...
If a group of middle schoolers can't stop him within a year, Koro-sensei plans to destroy the Earth as well. However, not only is Koro-sensei not planning on destroying the Earth, he wasn't even responsible for the whole moon thing. The lunar exodus was actually an acci...
From the masked to the inanimate, our expressionless characters are able to show a lot of emotion through their intentions. Of course, there are always plenty of characters able to show a bit more emotion, like Korosensei from Assassination Classroom, that are still quite expressive even under ...
Even after Koro-sensei is no longer in his life, the personality shift stays with him. And he's not the only one: everyone in Class 3-E changes for the better, thanks to their teacher. 634 votes Massive change? 9 Yato - Noragami Photo: Studio Bones Yato used ...
Most people would want to satisfy their personal desires - maybe eating every food they ever wanted to try, going on awesome vacations, or having a love affair. Koro-sensei has something different in mind. Instead of indulging himself in the time he has left and then heading ...
Karma Akabane is fully dedicated to good guys' primary goal - assassinating Koro-sensei and saving the world. But that doesn't exactly make him a nice guy. Whether he's nearly getting expelled for fighting, shoving spicy things up his opponents' noses and laughing at their reactions, he lov...
Even after Koro-sensei is no longer in his life, the personality shift stays with him. And he's not the only one: everyone in Class 3-E changes for the better, thanks to their teacher. 634 votes Massive change? 9 Yato - Noragami ...
Classroom, you might think that the bad teacher was the giant yellow tentacle monster who claims that he's going to destroy the earth unless a group of middle schoolers can stop him. You would be wrong. Koro-sensei, the aforementioned tentacle monster, is actually an exceptionallyg...
Even after Koro-sensei is no longer in his life, the personality shift stays with him. And he's not the only one: everyone in Class 3-E changes for the better, thanks to their teacher. 634 votes Massive change? 9 Yato - Noragami ...
Even after Koro-sensei is no longer in his life, the personality shift stays with him. And he's not the only one: everyone in Class 3-E changes for the better, thanks to their teacher. 634 votes Massive change? 9 Yato - Noragami ...