The son of Kenshi, Takeda Takahashi is fueled by the same rage as his father. Trained by Hanzo Hasashi, one of the bearers ofthe Scorpion mantle, Takeda works with his father to eliminate the Red Dragon assassins that killed his mother. Takeda's Shirai Ryu training makes him a great asse...
Ito, SumiyoTsukiyama, IkutoAndo, MasahikoKatakami, MasayoHamanaka, RieKosaka, KenshiMatsubara, AyakoNishimura, MasakiTanaka, HiroyukiAsai, NobuhiroYokoe, NorihitoTakahashi, AyumuBaba, KenjiMatsuura, KatsuhikoYamaguchi, EtsuroKubo, AkihitoSupportive care in cancer: official journal of the Multinational ...