Breaking down Trump's health agendaUpdate, Jan. 23:Multiple sources tell CBS News the Trump administration is expected to name an acting director from outside the CDC.Read the latest here.TheCenters for Disease Control and Preventionis operating without an acting director, multiple health officials...
who had been appointed to the role by President Obama, stepped down.President Trump has said he wants former Congressman David Weldonto serveas the CDC director. But under a law passed by Congressin
I'll tell you right now, your enemy is not China or Russia. Your enemy is the military-industrial complex fleecing this country to the tune of hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars."■
And, he says he is concerned about how easily young people can link to harmful online material on their cell phones. 他说,他担心年轻人很容易在手机上链接到有害的在线内容。 Cooper spoke with the Associated Press from Barcelona, Spain, ...
The asteroid is roughly 130 to 300 feet across. It has an ‘extremely low’ possibility of hitting Earth. Cecelia Smith-SchoenwalderFeb. 13, 2025 Former Officials to Congress: Stop Trump A letter signed by more than 200 former humanitarian and national security officials urges Senate and House...
Trump is now backed by many of the Republican leaders who fled for their lives and hid from the rioters, even some who had condemned Trump.
The rovers will collect samples to bring back down, including the lunar soil the company is selling to NASA. But why is NASA buying this to begin with? The US has been thinking about mining and selling materials from space for years. In 2015, Congress passed the Space Act. It permitted ...
The number was well below forecasts and comes as other signs show the job market is weakening. Tim SmartMarch 5, 2025 Trump Tells Congress: ‘America Is Back' In his first address to Congress since returning to Washington, Trump touted the ‘swift and unrelenting action’ taken during h...
“You got here a week ago, under the wire, you know your case manager for three days. And now you’re not allowed to call them to get support from them,” another source said. “All of that is on hold. If you’re a recent arrival, you’re what, just on your own now?”...
“We are six days away from an election, and ours is about a fight for democracy and your right to be heard,” she said at the Harrisburg event in response. “That is what is on the line in this election.” She added, “Look, everybody has a right to be heard. But right n...