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andcosofthethingItoldyoubefore, cos:/kɔs/n.余弦[医]寇斯(爱琴海一岛屿,Hippocrates的出生地) 由于我之前跟你们说过的那个原因 Ican’tyetrideabike.我至今不会骑自行车 -Whosaysyoucan’t?-Me,Nan.-谁说你骑不了-我自己奶奶 1 S11E012
希波克拉底曾经阐述过盐的益处Hippocrateshimselfexpoundedonthevirtuesofsalt. 他曾建议病人吸入海水煮出的蒸汽Recommendedtheinhalationofsteamfromseawater. 当然了如果他被我这帮学生折磨过的话Thoughnodoubt,ifhe'dbeenafflictedwithmy students 他的誓言肯定会更富感情色彩hisoathsmighthavebeenrathermorecolourful. 史密斯先...
Cervical cancer: From Hippocrates through Rigoni-Stern to zur Hausen. Vaccine 2009, 27 (Suppl. 1), A4-5. [CrossRef] 47. Parkin, D.M. The global health burden of infection-associated cancers in the year 2002. Int. J. Cancer 2006, 118, 3030–3044. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 48. Zur ...