🎉 SermonAudio 很自豪地推出了我们全新的网站!这是一个经过多年打造的里程碑。新网站从头开始构建,充分利用了现代网络技术,在桌面浏览器和移动设备上都能提供更流畅的体验。 了解有关新 SermonAudio 网站的更多信息 正在寻找旧的 SermonAudio? 如果您想继续使用原始的 SermonAudio 网站,您可以点击网站右上角的...
Sermon Activity 112 This is the third in our Family Camp Series. This message focuses on knowing Who God is as He has revealed himself in Scripture. A God who is high above man, and yet draws near to save. Sermon ID 10716154030 Duration 50:15 Date Sep 30, 2016 Category Camp Meeting...
🎉 SermonAudio 很自豪地推出了我们全新的网站!这是一个经过多年打造的里程碑。新网站从头开始构建,充分利用了现代网络技术,在桌面浏览器和移动设备上都能提供更流畅的体验。 了解有关新 SermonAudio 网站的更多信息 正在寻找旧的 SermonAudio? 如果您想继续使用原始的 SermonAudio 网站,您可以点击网站右上角的...
Who Is My God? June 26, 2011 by Rev. Dr. C.P. Lee 李仲鵬牧師 Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.Download AudioDownload MP3 Based on Luke 10:38-42 ← Newer Sermon Older Sermon →
I want a sermon outline “I need an outline for a 30-minute sermon about _ written in the style of Time Keller, Rich Villegas, Danielle Strickland, and Craig Groeschel. “I need the post in the campaign to mimic churches like Elevation, Church of the Highland’s, and Life Church. Do...
Then again, I would get bored in church and read the hymnal instead of listening to the sermon many weeks, so there’s that also. LOL. I’ve done some reading on other faiths along the way. Reply Jim, FL September 9, 2023 at 3:35 pm Proud to be in the good company of your...
隐藏自己、又揭示自己的神 THE GOD WHO HIDES AND REVEALS HIMSELF (Simplified Chinese) 海罗伯博士(Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.)著 主日,二○一二年十月廿八日早 于洛杉矶浸信会幕所宣之道 A sermon preached at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles ...
are first explored, followed by displaying the importance Calvin attached to the integration of doctrine into the hermeneutical process (often disregarded by modern-day exegetes), and finally, all three phases of the interpretational process are brought to bear on Calvin's sermonic treatment of ...
PREACHERS WHO WERE STRANGELY DIFFERENT! by Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr. 主日,二○○九年三月一日晚 於洛杉磯浸信會幕所講之道 A sermon preached at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles Lord's Day Evening, March 1, 2009 "他們離開公會,心裡歡喜,因被算是配為這名受辱" ...
If Gordon Mote was doing something less critical then handling the word of God in song form, it would not be so serious, but such is not the case.Therefore, as with anyone else who clashes with the one and only salvation message, we Christians are all commanded to expose the unfruitful ...