Today, Mr Sunak was asked if Mr Williams knew about the July date at the time. Image:Rishi Sunak has expressed disappointment that his PPS Craig Williams placed a bet on the date of the general election. Pics: Reuters/PA He told reporters in Puglia, where he...
This is something the prime minister will see as an asset, as he is keen on snappy social media posts, explainer graphics and videos to engage the public on government policy. Moreover, in last year's summer leadership race (after dropping out himself) Shapps backed Sunak's bi...
Starmer has said his relationship with his father was strained, and that never telling him, "I love you and I respect you" is "the one thing I do regret." Starmer was the first member of his family to go to university, after which he helped run a left-wing magazine called Socialist...
JR is not that stupid or he is trying to take us for fools today. Who is going to control these bodies when JR’s party is willing to let the WHO have control over our health and economic policy by lock downs and refuses to scrap EU laws. Who joined UN. If ration pact? Treacherous...
France is not the only country to suggest such a plan; British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak last year dropped a similar measure in the UK despite the idea being one of his Conservative party leadership campaign pledges. He had previously said that it is “wrong [that] there are ...
Now an admission from the father of ADHD reveals something very shocking ...All Your Gene Are Belong Us - You Don't Own Your Body, Obama's Government Does Barack Hussein Obama is rapidly becoming known as the sellout President, he has welched on every electoral promise and bent over ...
Historically speaking, one hundred years is very short. What is called ‘the new cold war’ represents the fear of the capitalist regime of the lessons that Lenin taught in the building of the Workers State. The world war that capitalism prepares today against humanity is already arousing the ...
财政大臣Rishi Sunak昨天还宣布,将提供300亿英镑的即时支出来应对2019冠状病毒爆发所造成的经济放缓。他还表示,在未来五年的整个过程中,还将增加支出1750亿英镑; MUFG货币策略师Lee Hardman称:“政府对经济的支撑已步入正轨,与英国央行协调行动。但由于投资者纷纷涌向更为传统的避险资产,这无法阻止英镑下跌。” ...
What I had intended to write about today was the impending demise of Boris Johnson and his replacement with, we must reasonably assume, Liz Truss. There will be a very remote chance that all the polls are wildly wrong and Rishi Sunak will get in, but it seems unlikely now. ...
“Egypt’s journey from having one of the world’s highest rates of hepatitis C infection to being on the path to elimination in less than 10 years is nothing short of astounding,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “Egypt is an exa...