Ethical Guidelines in Pandemic Influenza: Recommendations of the Ethics Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee of the Director, Centers for Disease Control... Because of the importance of including ethical considerations in planning efforts for pandemic influenza, in February 2005 the Centers for Disease...
doi:10.1016/j.ijgo.2009.07.008J.MilliezandJacquesMilliezSDOSInternational Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
Members of the Student Clinical Ethics Committee discussed the ethical and legal issues arising in a case referred for consideration – the family of a very elderly non-English speaking Asian lady did not want her to be informed that she had incurable lymphoma. The case study summarises the ref...
Orchestrating an ethics committee: who should be on it, where does it best fit? Governing BoardProfessional Staff CommitteesWhat is the board's role in ethical policy and decisionmaking? What is the most appropriate place for an ethics... MM Mannisto - 《Trustee the Journal for Hospital ...
- Our job is to diagnose him. 我们的任务是诊断出他的病因 8. She figured when she hired me she'd at least have someone you couldn't walk all over. 她雇我有一部分目的是确保手头上至少有一个能镇得住你的人 9. - You know why people are nice to other people?
(UNCED), the United Nations CSD, the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.In 1995, Ms. Jenkins was appointed by the Clinton Administration to the Trade and Environment President抯 Advisory Committee (TEPAC), where she represents HSUS.She is Of Counsel at Georgetown University Law ...
有专家预言,水资源短缺将成为人类21世纪面临的最为严重的资源问题.下列做法能够有效解决我国缺水问题并且符合可持续发展原则的是( ) ①增加地下水开采量 ②减少农药、化肥的使用 ③直接利用工业和生活污水灌溉农田④改变灌溉方式,推广喷灌、滴管技术 ⑤污水处理,达标排放⑥推广节水器具.
Ethical issues This study did not involve human subjects directly. An approval from the scientific and ethics committees of Yenepoya Medical College (Name:Yenepoya Ethics Committee-1) was obtained for this study. TheYenepoya Ethics Committee-1waived the need for participants to provide informed consent...
A、The board of directors B、The audit committee C、The governance committee D、The frontline managers暂无答案更多“Who is responsible for monitoring the ethical business practices of an organization?”相关的问题 第1题 According to the passage, the editors of Nightingale’s letters credit her ...
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Meat Hygiene. "A corner-stone in hydatidosis control programmes is the strict exclusion of all dogs from abattoir premises and the careful destruction, preferably by inc... ANON - Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Meat Hygiene....