艾琳·卡特(Erin Carter)是一名希望获得全职职位的代课老师,她的女儿哈珀(Harper)仍在学校调整自己。然而,由于她的眼病,这变得更具挑战性,这可能会使她失明。 在一场音乐剧中,他们因殴打一个取笑哈珀的男孩而被踢出音乐剧,之后他们在一家超市停了下来,这里突然发生了武装抢劫,看到女儿处于危险之中,艾琳最终抓住了...
艾琳 Erin. 终于接了 你没收到我的信息吗 Finally. Didn't you get my message? 收到了 都收到了 I did, yes. All of them. 还有你的未接来电 And the missed calls too. 我需要知道照片有没有发出去 I need to know if that photo was sent out. 最近突然有点忙 你懂的 Well, things got a ...
No one is free who is a slave to the body. 热度: 我是卡特老师 I'mMrs.Carter. (卡特老师) 今天我来给你们上历史课 AndI'llbeteachingyouHistorytoday. 你是谁 Whoareyou? 什么 Sorry? 艾琳·卡特是谁 WhoisErinCarter? 我们为什么要给她一个全职的岗位 ...
who is Erin Carter 全剧演技在线女主的动作戏自然又洒脱演哈珀的小朋友演技已经可以吊打国内的假脸演员了
Who Is Erin Carter?《百变艾琳(2023)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,(英国 福克斯顿) 哈珀 拜托快把鞋穿上 乖 Harper, just please get your shoes on. Please. 我不想穿 I dont want to. 来吧 Come on. 嘿 你知道我们今天要做什么吗 Hey, do you know what w
Who Is Erin Carter?《百变艾琳(2023)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,《百变艾琳》 第一季第四集 我进入室内了 Entering the property. 没事 你现在安全了 Dont worry. Youre safe now. 一个六岁小孩 被遗弃了 母亲下落不明 父亲也不在场 Abandoned six-year-old
Okay,Harper.Ithinkyoujusthavetowalk.Isthatallright? 很好 Allright,thereyougo. 对那边 Yeah,overthere. 给你钱 Here'sthemoney. 哪艘船 Whichboat? 那边那艘蓝色的拖网渔船-好的 It'sthebluefishingtrawler.-Right. 好了小妹妹上去吧 Right,younglady.Inyougo. ...
Home 25 of 85 Who Is Erin Carter? (2023) Indica Watson in Who Is Erin Carter? (2023) PeopleIndica Watson TitlesWho Is Erin Carter?, Episode #1.5Back to top
Carter. 晚安 科朗特先生 Good night, Mr. Collantes. 艾琳 你好 Erin! Hello! 你的门铃坏了 Your doorbell doesnt work. 你要邀请我进去吗 Are you going to invite me in? 当然 Yeah, apparently. 你看起来糟透了 You look terrible. 谢谢 你要来杯… Oh, thank you. Do you want a-- 我没有冒犯...
Netflix has a new hit on its hands, thanks to the unexpected success of its new action thrillerWho is Erin Carter?The show premiered last week with relatively little promotion, but subscribers have embraced the show, and it has already climbed to No. 1 on the list of thetop 10 most ...