Then, there is an elucidation: ‘I missed you, and I must admit, I kissed a few …’ (Perhaps this refers to Mum’s affair.) Most disturbing of all is the line, ‘[I] once did sit on Ivor the engine driver’s lap, and later with him had a nap.’ Then suddenly, everyone is ...
It’s important to find out what is bothering them and what support they need so that when you go forward, you’ve got their needs in mind as well. Where did you go to have a meltdown? I would work out primarily in the small gym at the White House...
It istheresponsibility of police, prosecutors and judges to ensure that those who appear beforethem whocannot afford a lawyer and/orwhoarevulnerable are provided access to legal aid. 警察、检察官和法官有责任确保向无力聘请律师和(或)境况脆弱的出庭 受审者提...
(e) A staff memberwho is assignedtoaduty station for a period of less than one year may be entitled to a daily subsistence [...] (e) 工作人员被派至一服务地点为期不足一年者,可根据总干事在细则第 107.7 条中 ...
the legal scholar Gabriel Chin pointed out that the majestic egalitarianism of Harlan’sPlessydissent exists on the same pages as his open contempt for Chinese immigrants. “There is a race so different from our own that we do not permit those belonging to it to become citizens ...
Instructing Alice via AurexLegal Solicitors Practical Day to Day Immigration Tips Case Summaries News and Updates Useful Contacts and Forms Books/ManualsUK Immigration Justice Watch Blog 'Unlike my brother judge here, who is concerned with Law, I am concerned with Justice' Lord DenningLong...
When I need to tell you something in English, I will do so by putting text inside curly brackets {like this}. My first command is pwd Act as an English Translator and Improver Contributed by: @f Alternative to: Grammarly, Google Translate I want you to act as an English translator, ...
What is a new twist is squatters breaking into and setting up housekeeping in a temporarily-vacant home and defying the owner of the home, brandishing a fraudulent lease or a claim to have purchased the place – and the police shrug and tell the legal owner to take it through the court ...
Some of this information is essential for us to be able to accurately identify who is using the service and as such is mandatory. 其中有些信息是必不可少的,也是强制性的,因为只有这样我们才能准确识别是何 人 在 使 用我 们的 服务。 Add and remove fil...
Some Members, notablyMessrsSimon IP and Martin LEE, have gone further to suggest that the Legal Aid Department should be entirely independent of the Government so that legal aid administration is seen to be free from any hint of bias[...] ...