If your citizenship status changed since you first got a Social Security number, you may have to update the IRS's records to get your check through its onlinenonfilers tool. US citizens living abroad were also eligible for a first payment (more below). In the$1.9 trillion stimulus billthat...
The beneficiary, or person who is applying to receive a green card, is generally automatically eligible to receive a green card once they are lawfully married to a U.S. citizen or green card holder. However, there are 4 key reasons why a green card application might be denied to an other...
years ofagewhoisnot disqualified bytheConstitutionorby law is eligible to be elected to the Senate. 2.5 愛爾蘭每 名年滿 21歲 而並無遭憲法或法律取消資 格 的公 民,均有資格 獲選入 參議院。 ...
#1 Policy Maximum is the maximum eligible medical expenses that the plan will cover. #2 Deductible is the amount of expenses that must be paid out of pocket before an insurer will pay any expenses. #3 Europe travel insurance for US residents Click here to read more » Schengen Visa Coun...
There are seven qualifying tests to determine eligibility for the Child Tax Credit: age, relationship, support, dependent status, citizenship, length of residency and family income. If you aren't able to claim the Child Tax Credit for a dependent, they might be eligible for the Credit for Oth...
In fear, hope, or desperation, these women left home seeking new lives. Some found opportunity; others found more uncertainty—or worse.
Who Is Eligible for QuestBridge? QuestBridge National College Match is open to high school seniors. That means that to apply to QuestBridge in the fall of 2019, you must graduate high school before the summer of 2020, and plan to enroll as a first-year in college in the fall of 2020. ...
When a corrected I-864, I-864EZ, I-864W or I-864A is accepted by the NVC, it will be sent with the immigrant visa petition to the embassy or consulate where the applicant will apply for a visa. In order to download forms, you must have a recent version of Adobe Reader installed ...
申请人在加国以外的国家犯罪, 若是依加拿大法律最高得处超过十年以上刑期者, 虽不能以视同自新( deemed rehabilitation not applicable) 条例申请移民,但可依再教育条款方式( apply for rehabilitation)提出移民申请。 若申请人在加拿大境外, 犯了两个或多个在加国法律看来的小罪 ( constitute summary conviction off...