The person giving the gift is referred to as thetransferorand the recipient is known as the skip person. Many people use a grandchild as a skip person, but a skip person does not have to be a family member. Any individual is eligible to receive a generation-skipping transfer as long as ...
5. Mr. Scott has for many years owned shares in Lemon Motors Company ("Lemon"), which are traded on the Toronto stock market. On July 31, 2020, Lemon paid an eligible dividend of $3.025 per share to Mr. Scott on all shares owned as of...
Awarded to all who saw service in any theatre of war against the central powers between 5 August 1914 and 31 December 1915 except those eligible for the 1914 Star. Many Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) small ships were entitled to this star, as Canada considered ‘overseas’ to be service beyond ...