Under "Drain the Swamp," the Trump document pledges to "freeze bureaucrat hiring except in essential areas" and to withdraw an "unprecedented slate of executive orders" from previous presidents. And to "Bring Back American Values," Trump is promising to "establish male...
I am a 73 y/o atheist and was surprised to only get 10 on this test. I bet I would have gotten 15 in my 20’s. I’ve forgotten so much, and it looks like superstition… er, I mean religion… is part of it….— You still did significantly better than the average American! -...
aThe LVAD is powered through the System Controller by one of two routine powers source, either: 1) two HeartMate direct current (DC) batteries or 2) the Power Module (PM) that is connected to AC mains electrical. The emergency power pack (EPP), a third power source, is intended for use...
It is announced by Savage – an excellent Siobhan Finneran – that Satan’s work is legion in the village and witches will be tried by dunking. If they survive and are able to breath under water then they are damned as a witch. Yet, if they drown they are not a witch. This medieval...
Hepatitis C viral infection (HCV) has become a curable disease. It is a major cause of liver disease and the most common chronic blood-borne disease in the Western world. In this region, persons who inject drugs (PWID) or who have ever injected drugs are
Qualitative research in the area of DBT is limited, particularly at follow-up. The current study explored the follow-up experiences of individuals who previously received a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and self-report having benefitted fr
no biggie for me; it would have been 84 interminable seconds of chugging Draino and 'please kill me now' that I'd never get back. My Gal, however, was NOT OK with it." He added, "Nice impression you left behind, Bday or not. Sorry we're not KOOL enough to warrant a blessing ...
My great grandparents on my mother’s side are from Ireland (Kilkenny to be exact) and my Grandma Lily always wanted to visit. There is just something that seems tZZZZZZZo pure and magical about Ireland. I would love to someday see the country first hand!
John Wilkes Booth walks into Ford’s Theater and shoots President Lincoln in the back of the head. He then escapes from Washington, DC, leaving the city — and the nation — in a panic. For the next 12 days, alleged Booth sightings place him virtually everywhere in the country. ...
Epstein docs released, kind of – DC Draino, Mike Cernovich and other X influencers seen with ‘Epstein Files: Phase 1’ binders at White House. I do not know what staffer decided to release it that way, but it is worth noting suspicion and paranoia, which today is basically just reali...