Josh O’Connor Gilbert Flores Having managed to make you feel sorry for Prince Charles on The Crown –a man with more money than God and access to more polo ponies than you can waggle a big long mallet at – the real leap forward for JO’C in the last year or so is breaking ou...
doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(12)60780-3Daniel S. O'ConnorPhilip GreenGregg RosnerJonathan GinnsMarlon RosenbaumElsevier BVJournal of the American College of Cardiology
doi:10.1136/sextrans-2018-053637O’Connor, LoisO'Donnell, KateBarrett, PeterHickson, Ford Colin IanMcCartney, DanielQuinlan, MickBarrasa, AliciaFitzgerald, MargaretIgoe, DervalBMJ Publishing GroupSexually Transmitted Infections
doi:10.1016/j.ejca.2021.04.004Chun L. Gan aIgor Stukalin bDaniel E. Meyers bShaan Dudani aHeidi A.I. Grosjean bSamantha Dolter bBenjamin W. Ewanchuk bSiddhartha Goutam cMichael Sander bConnor Wells aEuropean Journal of Cancer