Carl Weathers, best known for his portrayal of Apollo Creed in the Rocky series, is a multi-talented individual who has proven himself as an actor, director, and former professional football player. Born on January 14, 1948, in New Orleans, Louisiana, Weathers pursued both...
In addition to playing a likable suitor to Anya Taylor-Joy in the 2020 screen adaptation of Jane Austen’s “Emma,” the London-born actor has appeared in a diverse slate of films, from the video game-to-film adaptation “Assassin’s Creed” to the Harry Potter-universe’s “Fantastic ...
David Axelrod's got a plaque with his name on it at this place. Shia Kapos08/21/2024, 10:54am ETEveryone will be watching Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz tonight. And after two days of the Democratic National Convention, we have a pretty good idea where everyone is eating, too. Man...
One of rock’s guitar virtuosos, Joe Satriani’s playing is downright moving. He can take listeners on a thrillride with revelatory tapping melodies, vocal-like lead playing, gorgeous soundscapes and that screaming lead tone. The Satch also pioneered the use of the pitch axis theory technique,...
I’ve learned on a macro level about the insane history of whitewashing in Hollywood and how prevalent the problem truly is. It’s ignited a conversation that’s very important.” 18 Michael Fassbender, 'Assassin’s Creed' Photo : Everett Collection Michael Fassbender couldn’t break...
With the way her acting career has blown up in the past few years, you would think Jennifer Lawrence's parents were enforcing theater classes when she was …
With the way her acting career has blown up in the past few years, you would think Jennifer Lawrence's parents were enforcing theater classes when she was …
Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray.He who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous.He who does what is sinful is of the devil…(1 John 3:7,8). He replied, “My mother and brothers arethose who hear God’s word and put it into practice.”(Luke 8...
That's right —Furnace Fest! Wrathchild Erica Echenberg, Redferns / Getty Images Wrathchild See that photo above? All it takes is one look at that hair-filled image from 1984 to know that Wrathchild lead singer Rocky Shades (AKA Robert Barclay) was the real deal. ...
(Bridges to Babylon) earning nods, while U2’sPopnod felt a little forced. That said, there wasn’t much the nominating committee missed with Counting Crows’Recovering the Satellites, Ben Folds Five’s buzzy breakthroughWhatever and Ever Amenand future dominant rock radio band Creed withMy Own...