Among numerous assessments of well-being in patient and non-patient populations the five-item World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5; World Health Organization, 1998; Topp et al., 2015) is one of the most widely used measures. The WHO-5 allows for a brief assessment (under 1 ...
Each patient recruited also completed a reference test (geriatric assessment battery) performed by a geriatrician. For both tests, we identified the number of frailty risk factors (0 to 5): patients with no risk factors were considered as "fit"; patients presenting with 1 to 3 risk factors ...
are included: age, sex, education, race (White, Black or other non-White), living arrangement (alone or with others), depressive symptoms (Geriatric Depression Scale-15, GDS- 15) (18), and personality (the NEO Five-Factor Inventory including agreeableness, conscientiousness,...
Unlike a psychologist, a psychiatrist is a medical doctor who must attend medical school to receive their formal training. There are several psychiatric subspecialties, including child and adolescent psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, addiction psychiatry, and consultation-liaison psychiatry. ...
Burnout is more common among healthcare professionals, that is an important problem of professional distress that can seriously affect healthcare professionals’ emotional state, health, medical quality and doctor-patient relationship. However, only few studies researched the burnout status of healthcare ...
Obstetricians—those are physicians that specialize in caring for pregnant women—they say that there are a lot more risks and difficult side effects the older a woman is when she conceives and bears a child. Because I’m over 35, they call mine a “geriatric pregnancy” and they watch ...
A Cross-sectional Study on Out-of-pocket Spending and Health Outcomes Among CAP Elderly Patients Admitted in Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center A steady increase in the geriatric population is seen as the current trend in the Philippines during the past few years. With this, it is expected...
1. Does not have a reliable caregiver who is in frequent contact with the patient (defined as at least 10 hours per week), will accompany the patient to the office and/or be available by telephone at designated times, and will monitor administration of prescribed medications.2. Meets ...
this has not been shown in previous observational studies conducted overseas. In recent years, some geriatric wards in Hong Kong have begun to offer the option of careful hand feeding as an alternative to tube feeding to promote comfort and quality of life in end-of-life patients with feeding...
were considered responsive. This was an unexpected result as other trials of nifedipine in other patient populations showed higher responder rates.16 These low achievement rates observed in the current study may be explained by the fact that the enrolled patients were those who had already received ...