And this, in a nutshell, is why the confrontational reign of Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is over. The Israeli electorate has given Ehud Barak a resounding mandate for peace. And with that mandate comes the opportunity to close the divisions - between secularists and the orthodox, Jews of ...
Israel is suffering, losing lives and offending most of the world ... to keep psycho-Bibi out of jail? 2 Dennis_C08:14 01.11.2024 like28 dislike1 The following words in the title 'Could Pay a Price No Matter Who Wins...
The two former leaders clearly took a page out of the same book, although there are some notable differences. Trump's ad is a full minute longer than Bibi's. Trump speaks in the classic formulaic American political speech style, with nearly every sentence beginning the same way: "We are a...
Ben-Ami, Jeremy. 2016. “Trump’s Nominee for Ambassador to Israel Is Unfit to Serve.”TheWashington Post.
Who is First? Election campaigns are so much fun that Israel is having two within the span of four months, providing daily entertainment if you sift through the vitriol. American elections are different because the dates are defined in law, unlike Israel’s parliamentary system, but they are ...
Bibi Besch (born Bibiana Maria Köchert; February 1, 1942 – September 7, 1996) was an Austrian-American film, television, and stage actress. She is best known for her portrayal of Dr. Carol Marcus in the science fiction film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982). Her other notable...
When the Minister Overseeing the Israel Police Is a Kahanist Crook, Who Do You Call? — Zionistbusters ! 12 That's a National Security Minister?12:31 14.08.2024 like8 dislike2 That streak of misery looks more like ...
Overweight and obesity in most countries of Europe show rising secular trends and are predicted to continue rising if counteracting measures are not taken (Wan et al. 2007). In the European Union, the number of children who are overweight is expected to
It is an offshoot of XBB, first detected in October, itself a recombinant of two other Omicron subvariants. Concerns about XBB.1.5 fuelling a fresh spate of cases in the United States and beyond are rising amid a surge of Covid cases in China after the country pivoted away fro...
” said Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) president and CEO Shimon Koffler Fogel. “We are gratified that Minister Hussen has cut the funding for CMAC and suspended the program and look forward to results of the investigation into how the funds were allocated in the first place ...