odorous ones, such are the graces of the Spirit, which Christ the merchantman is full of; and makes his people, their affections and prayers, of a sweet smelling savour with. Ben Melech interprets it of garments perfumed with spices; see (Psalms 45:8) ; Some render the words, "above"...
F13Ben Melech observes, that this is to be understood of the blessed God; and the word being in the plural number, it is the same way, of speaking as in Josh. xxiv. 19. "the Holy Gods is he". F14Gussetius thinks this clause contains an ironical answer to the above questions, "sh...
(z) "seduxistis me animis vestris", so some in Vatablus; "fefellistis me", Munster. So Ben Melech. (a) "Fecistis errare animas vestras", Pagninus; "fefellistis", Calvin. (b) "Seduxeritis vos contra animas vestras", Schmidt. ...
This is interpreted by some of such who repeat (t) their sins after repentance, or who return a second time to their wickedness after they have repented, as Ben Melech observes. (s) "ne misceas te", Pagninus, Montanus; "ne commisceto te", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, so ...
Now Pashchur Ben Immer the kohen, who was also Pakid Nagid in the Beis Hashem, heard that Yirmeyah prophesied these things. Then Pashchur struck
1 The words of Amos, who was among the shepherds of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Yisroel in the yamim of Uziyah Melech Yehudah, and in the yamim of Yarov‘am ben Yoash Melech Yisroel, two years before the earthquake. 2 And he said, Hashem roars from Tziyon, and utters His ...
F23 (wypga) "alas militum", Montanus; "alas ejus", Cocceius, Starckius; so Ben Melech. Read More Taken from John Gill's Exposition of the Bible Ezekiel 12:14 In-Context 12 "The prince who is among them will load his baggage on his shoulder in the dark and go out. They will ...
not the grave, whither the righteous go as well as the wicked; besides, by their being the portion of foxes, as follows, it seems that they should have no burial; but hell is meant, the bottomless pit. Some take it to be a prayer, as Kimchi and Ben Melech; "may they go", or ...
Jeremiah 38:7-13 And Ebed-Melech the Cushite, a eunuch who [is] in the king's house, heareth that they have put Jeremiah into the pit; and the king is sitting at the gate of Benjamin, and Ebed-Melech goeth forth from the king's house, and speaketh unto t
Besides this they used to burn them with fire to this deity, perhaps after the performance of this ceremony; see ( Deuteronomy 12:31 ) (See Gill on Deuteronomy 12:31): or that useth divination: according to Aben Ezra this is a general name, and so Ben Melech, the particulars of which...