Who Was/ Is系列中的人物,几乎都是各行各业的佼佼者。他们的共同特点是能独立思考,很小就体现出对某些领域巨大的好奇心、探知欲。他们发现了自己的潜能并且十分努力,最终实现了自己的理想。 比如,著名华人武术家李小龙,小时候就是一个坐不住的孩子,不...
27.Who Is Neil Armstrong? 谁是尼尔·阿姆斯特朗? 28.Who Was Christopher Columbus? 谁是克里斯托弗哥伦布? 29.Who Was Galileo? 谁是伽利略 30.Who Was King Tut? 谁是图特王? 31.Who Was Queen Elizabeth? 谁是伊丽莎白女王? 32.Who Was Julius Caesar? 谁是尤利乌斯·恺撒 33.Who Was Queen Victoria?
294Who Was Louis Armstrong (7) 295Who Was Queen Elizabeth (1) 296Who Was Queen Elizabeth (2) 297Who Was Queen Elizabeth (3) 298Who Was Queen Elizabeth (4) 299Who Was Queen Elizabeth (5) 300Who Was Queen Elizabeth (6) 301Who Was Ronald Reagan (1) 302Who Was Ronald Reagan (2) 303...
121Who was Neil Armstrong 122Who was Neil Armstrong 123Who is Charlie Chaplin 124Who was Charlie Chaplin 125Who was Charlie Chaplin 126Who was Charlie Chaplin 127Who was Charlie Chaplin 128Who was Charlie Chaplin 129Who was Charlie Chaplin 130Who was Charlie Chaplin 131Who was Charlie Chaplin 13...
Over 100 black-and-white illustrations bring Armstrongas story to life. 丛书信息 ··· Who was...?(共53册),这套丛书还有 《Who Was Thomas Alva Edison?》《Who Was Ben Franklin?》《Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?》《Who Is Bill Gates?》《Who was Isaac Newton?》等。 我来说两句 短评...
Hunter Armstrong Shaine Casas Brooks Cury Caeleb Dressel Matt Fallon Nic Fink Bobby Finke Carson Foster Chris Guiliano Thomas Heilman Ryan Held Luke Hobson David Johnston Keaton Jones Chase Kalisz Drew Kibler Matt King Josh Matheny Ryan Murphy ...
Who Is Ralph Lauren Who Is Richard Branson Who Is Sonia Sotomayor Who Is Stan Lee Who Is Stevie Wonder(有音频) Who Is Temple Grandin Who Is Wayne Gretzky(有音频) Who Was Abigail Adams(有音频) Who Was Abraham Lincoln(有音频) Who Was Albert Einstein(有音频) ...
Ok… so I don’t think John did the crime. I don’t *want* to think it either. Sort of how I felt about Lance Armstrong for many, many years though. Compelling cases don’t often equate innocence. And I am familiar with the dysfunction in Belize, but I still feel there’s fundame...
Who Was Louis Armstrong Who Was Lewis Carroll Who Was Leonardo da Vinci Who Was Leif Erikson Who Was Laura Ingalls Wilder Who Was Kobe Bryant Who Was King Tut Who Was Julius Caesar Who Was Julia Child Who Was Jules Verne Who Was Johnny Appleseed ...
Ken Armstrong Hails from: Albany, OR Division: B Rate/Rank: BT3 Date of Birth: 05/07/1967 Years in Service: 1987-1988 When I first got my orders in 1986, I had no idea what a BB was till I asked my "A" school teacher, all he said was damn I wish I had those orders. After...