Her devotion to Aladine is such that when she became aware of Bege's plot to assassinate Big Mom, she chose to remain silent and even aided the Sun Pirates in concealing Jinbe's involvement from Pekoms, a member of her mother's crew. Praline fearlessly opposes her formidable mother, una...
Spike is a former member of the criminal Red Dragon Syndicate that he left by faking his own death. Now he spends his days as a member of a bounty hunter crew aboard the spaceship Bebop. Spike's creator Shinichirō Watanabe said that the character's calm, collected, and secretive demeanor...
He now humorously hits people more regularly, mostly Luffy, when they irritate him or say something foolish. However, he is now prepared to stand and battle alongside the rest of the crew. When it comes to his high bounty, Usopp feels a mixture of pride and terror since, on the one ...