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Senator Chris Dodd, the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, scolded Wall Street representatives at a hearing Thursday for sending “an army of lobbyists whose only mission is to kill the common-sense financial reforms” needed by the public. “The fact is,” Dodd said, “I am frustrate...
headquartered on ’Pine’ Street in New York’s financial district, and its aspirations for the future: ’Bridge’ was the name of the project to transition AIG’s money management business into an independent entity. Employees embraced the name and the idea it conveyed of a bridge to the fu...
’PineBridge’ was chosen to reflect the firm’s roots, which developed as the former asset management division of AIG, headquartered on ’Pine’ Street in New York’s financial district, and its aspirations for the future: ’Bridge’ was the name of the project to transition AIG’s money ...
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Ben Bernanke also helped to curb the effects of the rapidly deteriorating economic conditions bybailing outseveral troubled big financial institutions. While the Fed underwrote the decision to letLehman Brothersfail, they bailed out companies, such as AIG Insurance, due to the higher risk that the...
Eric: There's no real cost. I mean, that's the reality of it. There's so little to no cost. It's almost fun to go after them, but maybe that is the answer. If we don't cover ransomware, these companies can't just count on the insurance to bail them out. Get them new equip...