Semiconductor devices called transistors are the tiny electronic switches that run computations inside our computers. Scientists in the US built the first silicon transistor in 1947. Before that, the mechanics of computing had been performed byvacuum tubes, which were slow and bulky. Is there silicon...
Who initially backed the Edison Electric Illuminating Company? Who invented the first steam-powered car? Who invented the satellite dish? Who invented the electric fan? Who invented the silicon chip? Who invented the electric toaster? Who invented light years?
Who invented the very first smartphone? Who invented the binary computer? Who invented the portable computer? Who invented the first transistor radio? Who invented lithography? Who invented the first atomic clock? Who invented the solar cell?
that are etched or imprinted onto a tiny chip of semiconducting material, such assiliconorgermanium. Microchips are generally used for the logic component of a computer, known as the microprocessor, or for the computer memory, also known as RAM chips. The microchip can contain a set ...
Re: Who screwed up the TTL Pinout « Reply #9 on: January 01, 2023, 11:25:41 pm » TTL was invented in 1961 by James L. Buie of TRW, could try to organize a ...
patents. Among his inventions is the quasi-complementary (transistor) amplifier circuit, which has been used in many commercial audio amplifiers. Another of his inventions is the lateral transistor which is used in linear integrated circuits and T2L digital integrated circuits. He also invented the ...
In approximately 1969, William Regitz of Honeywell canvassed the semiconductor companies of the U.S. looking for someone to share in the development of a dynamic memory circuit based on a novel three-transistor cell which he – or one of his co-workers – had invented. This cell was a '...
Wozniak has never claimed to have invented the personal computer. Apple tactfully uses the phrase “Apple ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II”. Although computers have been sold to the public since the mid-1960s, and many individuals had built microcomputers,...
Silicon transistor pioneer.Category: Engineer, Inventor, Manager, and Writer Jeanmauriceemile BaudotFrench telegraph engineer who invented the Baudot Code.Category: Engineer, Inventor, Manager, and Writer Jeff HawkinsFounder of Palm and author of On Intelligence.Category: Founder, Inventor, Manager, and...
Who invented the power plant? Who invented fiberglass? Who invented the silicon chip? What was the first robot ever invented? Who made the first 3D printed rocket engine? Who invented the first portable fully automatic machine gun? Who invented the liquid fuel rocket?