Today, it's hard to imagine a world without them. Even if you don't own one yourself, you probably see dozens of people talking on a cell phone every day. The rate at which we adopted the devices is astounding. But who invented them? To get the answer to that question, we need ...
Meucci first demonstrated his invention in the United States at Staten Island, New York in 1854. He claimed to have invented the paired electromagnetic transmitter and receiver that used the motion of a diaphragm to modulate a signal in a coil through the movement of an electromagnet; however, ...
What Happens When You Put Plastic in a Microwave Did Russia Use Microwave Weapons Against America? Matt Blitz Matt is a history, science, and travel writer who is always searching for the mysterious and hidden. He's written for Smithsonian Magazine, Washingtonian, Atlas Obscura, and Arlingt...
ABOUT ANTENNAS --- Have you ever wondered who first invented and paid for the cost to patent "Firewire" and the "Wireless Telephone®™©'? Did you ever wonder, when talking back and forth on a cellular phone, or when using a wireless router to connect your lap top to the interne...
Have you ever wondered who first invented and paid for the cost to patent "Firewire" and the "Wireless Telephone®™©'? Did you ever wonder, when talking back and forth on a cellular phone, or when using a wireless router to connect your lap top to the internet, what created the...
World's first mouse was made of wood. The first computer mouse, invented byDoug Engelbart, was built of a wooden case with two wheels and a button on top. Who Invented the Computer Mouse and Its Surprisingly Long Journey to Your Desk ...
Ha, Ha, Ha -- who's got the last laugh now?" --Ira Gershwin, 1937 When an inordinately eccentric young farmer suggested that he had invented a portable wireless telephone that could broadcast voice and music up over hight buildings and down through stone walls, most of Calloway County, Ke...
And so to the English Midlands, the obvious choice for an engineering company to recruit the skilled labour they required. He founded his Birmingham firm in 1906. His innovation of the flexible, versatile, electrical insulation material he invented and named “Tufnol” is so outstandingly ...
Sir Maurice Vincent Wilkes (26 June 1913 – 29 November 2010) was a British computer scientist who designed and helped build the Electronic delay storage automatic calculator (EDSAC), one of the earliest stored program computers and invented microprogramming, a method for using stored-program logic...