The ice cream sundae emerged in the late 1890s and became extremely popular around the turn of the century. This popularity was substantially aided by laws prohibiting the sale of sodas on Sunday, and for this reason the concoctio...
Did you know that the ice cream sundae was invented because of a law forbidding the sale of ice cream on Sundays? Or that the first motorcycle was really just a tricycle with a motor? Would you believe that Mickey Mouse started out as a rabbit? Arranged in alphabetical order with anecdotal...
Augustus Jackson was a candy confectioner from Philadelphia who created several ice cream recipes and invented an improved method of manufacturing ice cream. And while he didn't technically invent ice cream, Jackson is considered by many to be the modern day "Father of Ice Cream." The actual o...
We are every walk of life, existing in every known and unknown space in the universe since the dawn of time but we remained in the shadows until musicals were invented. We are all actively trying to kill Jennifer Coolidge and we love brunch. Like, love it. An iconic Season one episode ...
Bee Sting Sundae Vanilla ice cream topped with hot honey, spicy peanuts, whipped cream, and a cherry. Birthday Cake Mini Donuts Credit: Mini Donuts & Cheese Curds Birthday Cake Mini Donuts Pretty self-explanatory: birthday cake-flavored mini donuts with vanilla sugar, icing, sugar cry...
Yes, they were! The amazing frozen margarita was invented by Dallas restaurant owner Mariano Martinez in 1971 using a converted soft-serve ice cream machine. It is said he was inspired by 7-Eleven's Slurpee machines. Oh, thank Heaven. ...