I was recently giving a talk on the past, present and future of digital networks and the underlying technologies, and I was asked for my view on ‘Who invented the internet?’ This is a question that has frequently been posed over the past couple of decades, and the answer is t...
The latter emphasizes Santos Dumont's achievements based on a journalistic source that claims this pioneer did more for aviation than the Wright brothers. Paradoxically, in each language, the airplane was invented by a different person. Wikipedia is defined, on the platform's main page, as ‘a...
The question of who invented the API is a little like asking who discovered Antarctica – the answers are as varied as the parties that submit them, and there’s little agreement as to a hard and fast date. The question becomes even more complex due to the nature of an API (which we ...
To increase interactivity, in 1964 Dr. Bitzer, along with a fellow professor, H. Gene Slottow, and a graduate student, Robert Willson, invented a plasma display illuminated by gas-infused pixels — the same technology that would later power flat-screen televisions. Thousands of PLATO terminals,...
another smoke. friston first became a heroic figure in academia for devising many of the most important tools that have made human brains legible to science. in 1990 he invented statistical parametric mapping, a computational technique that helps—as one neuroscientist put it—“squash and squish...
TheInternetevolvedfromARPANET(AdvancedResearchProjectsAgencyNetwork),aneffortsupportedbytheUnitedStatesDepartmentofDefense.ThedevelopersofARPANETwantedtomakecommunicationbetweenseparatecomputersystemsatvariousuniversitiesandresearchlaboratoriesmoreconvenient.SeealsoWhoinventedtheInternet?andWikipedia'sARPANETentry. Contraryto...
One of my goals in purchasing sethholloway.com is to carve out my own niche on the Internet superhighway–the series of tubes invented by a politician from Tin-uh-see. However, as I google myself (which is even dirtier than it sounds) I can’t help but feel that my job is not yet...
dots, Weidong worked for 10 years as a product manager and R&D scientist in the Semiconductor industry where he invented Diffraction-based Overlay technology to improve the manufacturing precision of silicon wafers. He has been awarded 11 US patents and has contributed to 20+ peer review ...
One of my goals in purchasing sethholloway.com is to carve out my own niche on the Internet superhighway–the series of tubes invented by a politician from Tin-uh-see. However, as I google myself (which is even dirtier than it sounds) I can’t help but feel that my job is not yet...
He invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, and the glass 'armonica'. He facilitated many civic organizations, including a fire department and a university. BERNARD BERENSON - (1865-1959). American art historian specializing in the Renaissance. He was a ...