It is early mentioned as having been invented byJubal; Gen_4:21. It is supposed usually to have had ten strings (Josephus, “Ant.” B. x. Where did the kinnor come from? Kinnor,ancient Hebrew lyre, the musical instrument of King David. According to the Roman Jewish historian Josephus ...
The first lyric was scribbled on the back of my affidavit in the case between Talmy and Polydor. Perhaps that’s why the song, about the viciously jealous intuitions of a cuckolded partner, adopts the tone of a legal inquisition."(看完后面他自己不停出轨的内容再看这里真是让人无语。。。)...
but I brought to the situation my Fluxus tendencies. Now those tendencies are not all that prominent in the Czech songs; I wrote my own texts and invented my own ways of developing them is about it.