Who invented the Java programming language and when was it invented? Who invented C language and when was it invented? Who invented the first microprocessor? Who invented the personal computer? Who invented the first programmable computer?
Who invented the first telephone? Who invented writing? Who created the first alphabet? How did written language begin? Who invented the first instrument? Who invented the English alphabet? Who invented the first computer program? Who invented computer programming language?
21、What was the first full-length movie produced by Walt Disney? A、Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs B、Peter Pan C、Alice in Wonderland D、Cinderella Answer:A 22、Which video game system is known for having three The Legend of Zelda games that are not made by Nintendo? A、3DO B、Ata...
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The English-language Wikipedia article on the airplane states that Clément Ader ‘attempted to fly’, whereas ‘the Wright brothers invented and flew the first airplane’. The French-language Wikipedia, in turn, points to France's pioneering role in aviation – which contrasts with the emphasis ...
John Backus(December 3, 1924 – March 17, 2007) was an American computer scientist. He directed the team that invented the first widely used high-level programming language (FORTRAN) and was the inventor of the Backus-Naur form (BNF), a widely used notation to define formal language syntax...
William C Speidel (1912–1988), known as Bill Speidel, was a columnist for The Seattle Times and a self-made historian who wrote the books Sons of the Profits and Doc Maynard, The Man Who Invented Seattle about the people who settled and built Seattle, Washington. Speidel is also credited...
Her entire career was just amazing, and in 1983 she was the first woman in the United States to be appointed chair of ophthalmology. After discovering that blindness among African Americans was double that among all other patients, she invented the LaserPhaco Probe, a machine that is still ...
Have you ever wondered who invented the 4-4-2 formation? Why footballers used to celebrate success by releasing a platitudinous pop single? And who has really scored the most goals in the history of the game? You can find the answers to all these questions and more in a book which take...
had a bead on the future, but was snuffed out by entrenched executives, sclerotic processes or heavy-handed evaluations. Kodak, a legendary company sunk by the digital revolution, actually invented the digital camera in the 1970s. As the inventor, Steven Sasson,related to the New York Times:...