Long before the Texas Instruments LEDcalculator, or even the slide rule, there was another type of computer: the astrolabe. The device took its name, ultimately, from the Greek word astrolabos, or "star-taking."Astrolabeswere used primarily to make astronomical measurements, typically of the al...
... To do this, Columbus used celestial navigation, which is basically using the moon, sun, and stars to determine your position. Other tools that were used by Columbus for navigational purposes were the compass, hourglass, astrolabe, and quadrant. When was the Kamal invented? The kamal (...
The first vision aid, called a reading stone, was invented around 1000 AD. The reading stone was a glass sphere that was laid on top of the reading material to magnify the letters. The first wearable eye glasses were invented around 1284 inItaly. It is thought that Salvino D'Armate was...
Who invented trigonometry in the world? Trigonometry: If you have ever calculated the sides or angles of a triangle you have used trigonometry. Using sines, cosines and tangents is also trigonometry. Trigonometry can also help when building and putting things together. ...
The Compass: The compass is an instrument used to determine direction. Compasses depend on the magnetic field generated by the Earth. Compasses use magnets to detect this field. Answer and Explanation: The compass was invented centuries before the Scientific Revolution. The first compass was invented...
Who first invented mathematics? Who invented the first telephone? Who invented the seismograph? Who invented the first flying machine? Who invented the first bicycle? Who invented the first frisbee? What year was the astrolabe invented? Who invented the first digital clock? Who invented the first...
What did Muslims do for geography? Muslim scholars invented and refined a number of scientific instruments in mathematical geography and cartography. These included the astrolabe, quadrant, gnomon, celestial sphere, sundial, and compass.Similar questions 37Is topos in english word? 16Who makes vaio...
Who invented fountain pen and in which year? Fountain Pens: Most people today use ballpoint pens to write, although some people do still use fountain pens. The first scribes used quills, which they had to continually dip into ink in order to write. Fountain pens improved on this process by...
Muslim scholarsinvented and refined a number of scientific instruments in mathematical geography and cartography. These included the astrolabe, quadrant, gnomon, celestial sphere, sundial, and compass. How does a cartographer make a map? A cartographer usesdata from geodetic surveys and remote sensing ...