Unlike chocolate chip cookies or tomato soup, the invention of bread can't be pinned down to a single person or people; instead, it evolved to its present state over the course of millennia. Although the modern version of sliced bread is a fairly new invention (Wonder Bread began marketing...
Who invented the iPod? Who invented the first ice cream scoop? Who was the first person to make cheese? What year was sliced bread invented? Who invented the first electric car? Who invented the first electric circuit? Who invented the first train?
Who actually invented pizza? Specifically,baker Raffaele Esposito from Naplesis often given credit for making the first such pizza pie. Historians note, however, that street vendors in Naples sold flatbreads with toppings for many years before then. Legend has it that Italian King Umberto I and ...
The Menches Brothers claim to have invented the dish at a county fair in Hamburg, New York also in 1885. As the story goes, the brothers ran out of pork for their sausage patty sandwiches and cooked up a minced beef sandwich instead from a nearby butcher. They flavoured the meat with c...
Who invented cheese? No one really knows who made the first cheese. According to an ancient legend, it was made accidentally by an Arabian merchant who put his supply of milk into a pouch made from a sheep's stomach, as he set out on a day's journey across the desert. What is the...
General Mills invented the cereal now known as Cheerios in 1941. Originally called “CheeriOats,” the cereal’s distinctive doughnut-shape was created by a special “puffing gun.” 1942: 75% of all white bread is enriched Archive Photos // Getty Images 1942: 75% of all white bread is en...
But who invented the lobster roll? The history of the lobster roll is a fascinating one. Traditionally, the best Lobster Roll have been found in the states of Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut and in seaside hotspots like the Cape Cod peninsula. But did you know you can make this ...
Man invented God so he could have someone to blame shit on. It’s a theory I came up with on the first day of the first week I spent with the man I thought I loved, on a vacation that would end our relationship. But, it being the first day I was still in creative spirits. I...
We are every walk of life, existing in every known and unknown space in the universe since the dawn of time but we remained in the shadows until musicals were invented. We are all actively trying to kill Jennifer Coolidge and we love brunch. Like, love it. An iconic Season one episode ...