B 考查冠词的用法。第一空:发明物的前面必须加the,第二空:泛指一项非常有用的发明,所以用不定冠词a,故选B。
试题解析 考查冠词的用法。第一空:发明物的前面必须加the,第二空:泛指一项非常有用的发明,所以用不定冠词a,故选B。 标签:donknowwhoinvented___telescope 本试题来自[gg题库]本题链接:https://www.ggtiku.com/wtk/115673/86599.html
I don’t know who invented telescope, but I think it is most useful invention.A.the, theB.the, aC.a, theD.a, a
Several men laid claim to inventing the telescope, but the credit usually goes to Hans Lippershey, a Dutch lensmaker, in 1608.When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. One of Galileo's first telescopes. He did not invent the...
Besides, Galileo invented many other things, including the microscope. But the telescope isn't just his invention.( )1. Galileo discovered Jupiter's four largest moons at the age of A.44 B.46 C.64 D.78()2.invented the first telescope. A. An Italian scientist B. Galileo C. The Dutch...
Who invented the Zenith telescope? Zenith Telescopes: Zenith telescopes are pointed straight up, at or near the Zenith. These telescopes can be used for a variety or purposes, and were used to track the position of the North Pole up until the 1980s. ...
Galileo is often thought to have invented the telescope because he made so many important discoveries with it. Besides, Galileo invented many other things, including the microscope. But the telescope isn't just his invention.invented the first telescope. ...
Who Invented the Telescope? Nick Pelling Suggests That Credit Should Go Not to the Netherlands but Much Further South to Catalonia[ILLUSTRATIONS OMITTED] Four centuries ago this year, stories issued from the Netherlands...Pelling, Nick
The article presents a historical background of the invention of the telescope and who invented it. It gives an overview of the results of an investigation by Rolf Willach, an optical engineer, on optical instruments and the quality of spectacles as old as 15th century and lenses from early ...