Who invented the radio? Top 5 Inventions for Kids Sources Share: Citation More Awesome Stuff Up Next When Was the Radio Invented? Explore More Electronics How 4G Works HowStuffWorks How Telephones Work Computer How Mobile Broadband Services Work Electronics How to Unlock a Cellphone or ...
Later, he invented a magnetic launcher called the mass driver. In the 1970s, he developed a plan to build human settlements in outer space, including a space habitat design known as the O'Neill cylinder. He founded the Space Studies Institute, an organization devoted to funding research into...
He did his post-doctoral training at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, where he invented the colony hybridization screening technique for recombinant DNAs in David Hogness' laboratory.After coming to UCLA in 1975, Grunstein pioneered the genetic analysis of histones in yeast and showed ...
If Duvallwerea character, she might be one invented by Lily Tomlin--unintentionally witty just by being herself. She segues, for example, from an erudite discussion of cable TV circuitry directly to her attraction to home shopping network deals. “I’m such a sucker for those inventions,” ...
Rebecca Fried had no intention of preserving the record of a persecuted people whose strife was ready to be permanently written off in the eyes of history as exaggerated, imagined, or even invented. That's because Rebecca was too busy trying to get through the 8th grade. ...
Keeping Kids Interested in Science Summer Science ProjectsShop Our Online Science Store Flashing LED Circuit DIY Electronics Kit $4.99 $2.95 Wire Maze Electricity DIY STEM Kit $9.99 $5.55 Fan Micro Car DIY STEM Kit $9.99 $5.95 3-in-1 Alternative Energy Car DIY STEM Kit $19.99 $14.95 ...
When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, he probably didn’t imagine how far it would come over the next century and a half. In 1919, the American Bell Telephone Companylaunched national servicefor rotary dial phones, the first mass-produced phone controlled by the user. When...
Peg + Cat, coming in October 2013 to PBS Kids was co-created by folks who previously worked on “The Wonder Pets” and Broadway’s “Rent.” Not a bad pedigree! It introduces a new heroine for our little girls, Peg, and her sidekick Cat. The two pals embark upon crazy adventures to...
The Israelis hardly invented this technique, by the way. In 1943, 11 Australian commandos, all white, disguised themselves as Malay fishermen by dyeing their skin brown and boarding a fishing boat. They sailed through 2,000 miles of Japanese-controlled ocean from Australia to Singapore. At one...
‘50s that the technology was invented that made it possible to shoot sync sound without the camera and the tape recorder being connected by a cable. This technological development opened up the world as a subject for documentary filmmaking. I took advantage of that new filmmaking technology. It...