IHRInternationalHealthRegulations INCBInternationalNarcoticsControlBoard IWSRInternationalWineandSpiritsResearch LMICLowandmiddle-incomecountries MDGsMillenniumDevelopmentGoals METMotivationalenhancementtherapy MVAMotorvehicleaccidents NCDNoncommunicabledisease NGONon-governmentalorganization ix Globalstatusreportonalcoholandhealth...
早前的1月22日,世卫组织执行委员会在日内瓦举行会议,谭德塞在会上提醒各国,世界领导人在联合国大会期间,已承诺在今年5月之前完成有关大流行病协议和《国际卫生条例》(International Health Regulations)修正案的谈判。时至今日,谭德塞在迪拜...
今天分享的报告是《2024亚太卫生安全行动框架报告(英文版)》,版权归WHO世界卫生组织所有。 Public health emergencies, including pandemics, highlight the need for health systems and services that are prepared, resilient and ready to respond to health security threats. Endorsed by Member States in 2023, th...
• On 22 August 2024, the MoPH announced the first laboratory-confirmed case of mpox virus clade Ib detected in Thailand, and notified WHO through the National International Health Regulations (IHR) Focal Point. • A total of 43 individuals who had close contact have been identified. N ...
As a response to an increasing threat of infectious diseases in the globalised world (e.g. SARS, H1N1 influenza, Ebola, MERS, Poliovirus), the World Health Organization adopted a reinvigorated version of the International Health Regulations in 2005. The regulations empower the WHO Director-General...
This year's World Health Assembly also agreed on a package of amendments to another international instrument, the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR), introducing a definition of a pandemic emergency to trigger more effective international collaboration in response to a potential pandemic. ...
The 2024 decision will also clear the way for negotiating complementary amendments to the International Health Regulations, WHO's binding rules adopted in 2005. These set out countries' obligations where public health events have the potential to cross borders. These include advising the WHO immediatel...
(2005) Toolkitforimplementation innationallegislation TheNationalIHRFocalPoint January2009 InternationalHealthRegulationsCoordination HealthSecurityandEnvironment WorldHealthOrganization,Geneva,Switzerland .who.int/ihr WiththeassistanceoftheHealthLegislationUnit DepartmentofEthics,Equity,TradeandHumanRights WorldHealth...
From the 31 December 2019 to the 21 March 2020, WHO collected the numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths through official communications under the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005), complemented by monitoring the official ministries of health websites and social media accounts. ...
Since the International Health Regulations (IHR) were revised in 2005 in the aftermath of SARS, WHO has declared a PHEIC 6 times: for H1N1 influenza, polio, Zika, COVID-19, and Ebola (twice). Currently, WHO has declared 3 emergencies worldwide (COVID-19, polio, and monkeypox), placing...