于人类免疫缺陷病毒(humanimmunodeficiencyvirus,HIV)/结核分枝杆菌共感 染患者,尿LF-LAM检测敏感度有所提高。 1.5用于异烟肼和其他二线抗结核药物耐药性检测的低等复杂化的自动化 NAATs 这是一种新的诊断技术,用于MTBC阳性样本的检测,可进行快速的药物敏感
WHO Issues Guidelines for HIV Self-Testing, Partner NotificationBy Antigone Barton
HIV and hepatitis B virus load testing,with CRISPR/Cas techniques Open-source diagnostic toolkits.Free,open-source toolkits that would allow laboratories in developing countries to produce their own toolse.g.for COVID-19 research and diagnosis,reducing their dependence on the global supply chain ...
WHOsincerelythanksthefollowingpeoplewhoQuiroga,BolivianNetworkofPeopleLivingwithHIV/AIDS, participatedinoneormoreexpertconsultationsonBolivia;Sarah Saleem,Aga KhanUniversity,Pakistan; therapeuticHPVvaccinesandprovidedinputandfeedbackPeter Sasieni,King’sCollegeLondon,UnitedKingdom; ...
Cunningham WHO Global Tuberculosis Programme - Christopher Gilpin, Karin Weyer WHO Health Systems and Innovation - Ivana Knezevic, Tiequn Zhou, Hye-na Kang, Francis Gabriel Moussy WHO HIV/AIDS - Meg Doherty, Lara Vojnov, Silvia Bertagnolio WHO Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals - Mick Mulders...
3.存在合并感染(如HIV、HDV和HCV)、肝癌或肝硬化家族史、免疫抑制(如长期类固醇治疗、实体器官或干细胞移植)、合并症(如糖尿病、代谢功能障碍相关的脂肪性肝病和继发于血液疾病治疗的铁超载)或肝外表现(如肾小球肾炎或血管炎),无论 APRI...
2. Guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, care and treatment for people with chronic hepatitis B infection. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2024. Licence: CC BYNC-SA 3.0 IGO. 3. Easterbrook P, Sands A, Harmanci H. Challenges and priorities in the management of HIV/HBV and HIV/HCV ...
首先,新版指南扩大了治疗适应证,以下四种情况满足其一即可获得治疗资格:①出现更显著的肝脏炎症或纤维化;②HBV DNA>2000 IU/mL且ALT异常,这与中国指南非常相似;③存在合并感染(如HIV或HCV感染)、免疫抑制、合并症(如糖尿病)或肝外表现;④存在...
2. Guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, care and treatment for people with chronic hepatitis B infection. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2024. Licence: CC BYNC-SA 3.0 IGO. 3. Easterbrook P, Sands A, Harmanci H. Challenges and priorities in the management of HIV/HBV and HIV/HCV ...
首先,新版指南扩大了治疗适应证,以下四种情况满足其一即可获得治疗资格:①出现更显著的肝脏炎症或纤维化;②HBV DNA>2000 IU/mL且ALT异常,这与中国指南非常相似;③存在合并感染(如HIV或HCV感染)、免疫抑制、合并症(如糖尿病)或肝外表现;④存在肝功能检测持续异常(如果无法检测HBV DNA)。我们相信这将大幅简化患者获得...