(2KO). She has won the NBA Super Welterweight Champion, and WBC Latin champion. Carranza told WBAN, "I also own a boxing gym in Fort Lauderdale that makes five years in September. I’m extremely involved in the community on many levels. From book bag drives, toy drives, feeding our ...
Boxer Mayweather is becoming renowned for his racist comments, rather than by what he has done in the ring lately. UFC head honcho White- ever the capitalist- seizes on the opportunity to defame the boxer (and boxing) to further promote the UFC. ...
必须分享一组获得2022年索尼世界摄影奖专业组体育运动类入围奖的作品——“Chinese Heavyweight Who Braves Pro Boxing Journey in America”,拍摄者是中新社的记者廖攀,他也是本届世界摄影奖专业组中唯一一位中国大陆获奖作者。出镜者张志磊是中国重量级拳击名将,他的经纪人就是我之前在讲杜兰特投资那期视频里提到的...
He ultimately declined, saying, “I realized that a top-class footballer could be over the hill by the age of 30, and I was already 23. I decided to become an actor and it turned out to be one of my more intelligent moves." Former professional skateboarder Jason Lee...
Valentine has also made 52 attempts on the WWF World Heavyweight title, going back to the WWWF days of 1979. Unlike many of the guys on this list, most of his attempts were against Bob Backlund. 3KILLER KHAN: 62 Challenges Billed from Mongolia and an avid user of the Poison Mist maneuv...
Kanye West, born in Atlanta and raised in Chicago, is a globally recognized figure who has left an indelible mark on the music industry. His innovative approaches to music production, blending elements of different genres with his distinct style of rap, have earned him widespread acclaim as well...
The Ukrainianformer undisputed cruiserweight world champion is likely to be the Brit’s next challenger in the early part of 2023, in a showdown which would crown the first undisputed heavyweight champion since Lennox Lewis and a maiden four-belt holder. ...
With the way her acting career has blown up in the past few years, you would think Jennifer Lawrence's parents were enforcing theater classes when she was …
With the way her acting career has blown up in the past few years, you would think Jennifer Lawrence's parents were enforcing theater classes when she was …