but a virtual community where folks might enjoy some of the social aspects of the winter holidays that they’d otherwise miss during Covidtide. It’s not just for Christmas; the site opened with a celebration of Diwali, with Indian dance lessons, meditation sessions, and fireworks. There are...
If you had any doubts about that, you might want to turn your eyes towards Coney Island tonight where the first-everNew Year’s Eve Parachute Jump ball dropwill go down. A side of fireworks will accompany this inaugural event and festivities also include sideshow performers, a rocking DJ (no...
and in the fall of 1952 Kleitman assigned him to help Aserinsky with his overnight sleep studies. Dement recounted his excitement in his 1999 book,The Promise of Sleep. “Aserinsky told me about what he had been seeing in the sleep lab and then threw in the kicker that...
…When it comes to expanding theStar Warssaga, Disney has not held back. TheAndorseries, a prequel to the acclaimed filmRogue One, has reportedly been produced with a colossal budget of$645 millionfor its first two seasons. This investment covers a total of24 episodes, bringing the average c...
The world’s attention over the past 2 weeks has been focused on the air evacuation from Kabul airport. But the demanding humanitarian work of meeting the needs of tens of millions of vulnerable Afghans who remain in the country is now beginning; the world cannot now divert its attention fro...
our forefathers," he says, adding that he also has family in South Africa. "I spend a lot of time there between business and family obligations. It was a natural thing for me as a creative to infuse what I was hearing on the ground in SA with what we are accustomed to in Tanzania....
今晚我甚至爱死路易了 I EVEN LOVE LOUIS TONIGHT. 你在生我的气吗,妈妈? ARE YOU MAD AT ME, MOM? 不明早我就会生你的气 NO. ILL BE MAD AT YOU IN THE MORNING 当你清醒 WHEN YOURE SOBER. (门铃响了) [BELL RINGS] 你会给我打电hearts;话hearts;吗? ARE YOU GOING TO CALL ME? 是的,我...
I’m aware that I’m not the only one commenting on the vocal fireworks display put on by Ms. Aguilera at the Super Bowl that ultimately was an equally shining example of styleover substance. Known for her supernatural singing talent and incredible feats of vocal ability, she has perfected...
“intellectually intelligent” points as to why I’d judged so harshly. Well. I’m old, I studied Latin at school, and almost every job I’ve ever had has relied upon my ability to spell well, know the difference between who and whom, and have a quick enough eye to see and fix ...
We got the news at the end of the seventh inning. There’s some sad news to report tonight, the announcer said. Willie Mays has died. There were collective groans from those of us in the Rickwood Field stands. The players on the field removed their caps and everyone turned their attenti...