I’ve become preoccupied with looking for photographs that show our Victorian ancestors smiling (what better way to shatter the image of 19th-century prudery?).②I’ve found quite a few, and—since I started posting them on Twitter—they have been causing quite a stir.③...
I’ve becomepreoccupiedwith looking for photographs that show ourVictorianancestors smiling (what better way toshatterthe image of 19th-centuryprudery?). I’ve foundquite a few, and – since I startedpostingthem onTwitter– they have been causingquite a stir. People have been ...
套路说成he has been ranked as one of America's most influential and popular athletes.“NBA得分王头衔”叫做NBA scoring title,“头号得分手”可以是leading scorer,“新人王”叫做NBA Rookie of the Year.“NBA选秀”是NBA draft,常用的搭配是He was selected/chosen in the 2003 NBA draft by the (...
It doesn't work well," has already been widely circulated. 发挥不了什么作用。”这一观点已广为流传。 However, the sins attributed to capitalism—corruption, fraud and greed, 但是,资本主义带来的罪恶—腐败,欺诈和贪婪, to name but three—are not only pervasive in systems where the state contro...
The announcement has been greeted with skepticism: While geologists did report some kind of seismic event in the northeastern part of the country where the test supposedly occurred, scientists say the tremors appeared too small to correlate to the kind of mega-explosion caused by a hydrogen bomb....
Grant Gustingave the ultimate portrayal of Barry Allen in any media ever. Comic fans can agree on this, as Barry has always been sort of a blank canvas in the DC Universe. The character gained notoriety during Wally West's tenure as the Flash, which took place right after Crisis on ...
version of Photoshop we were sold on the idea of using Bridge to manage our digital assets back in 2004 (locate, sort and rank our images and decide which one to open in the main editing space of Photoshop) and for Photoshop Elements users the ‘Organizer’ has been doing the job in ...
Pros: Harris has been described as “the female Obama.” Along with being a fresh face and female, she’s part African American and part Indian, checking off several important demographics in the Democratic Party. She hails from the donor- and delegate-rich state of California, which moved ...
Grant Morrison, Mark Millar, and Ron Wagner created Black Flash. The character first appeared briefly inThe Flash#138 in June 1998 before properly appearing inThe Flash#141 in September 1998. Dark Flash is basically the Grim Reaper for speedsters. He has been compared to Death in the comic boo...
One feature this turntable system has that the ones from your dad's early years did not is Bluetooth functionality. This means the turntable can wirelessly stream audio to speakers, so there's no need for lots of speaker wires crisscrossing a room. Victrola has been manufacturing record players...