History: Anakin constructed his second lightsaber after he lost his first one, along with his arm, at the Battle of Geonosis. Characteristics: This lightsaber has a single blue blade. Status: Rey wielded this lightsaber in Episodes VII-IX, but ultimately buried it in the sand on Ta...
such as the moon, an astronaut and a space station, which were overlaid onto the broadcast.This news articlehas more information about the performers, although it does not really mention the space aspects.
<Insert: tabloid shot of a QR-b holding a lightsaber in an aggressive pose with glowing red eyes> And you’ll dominate the battlespace!! Owner’s Manual Intro: Welcome to the future! You or your organization has made the wise decision to add an Arakyd Industries’ QR-b multipurpose cla...
“But what about France?” I was asked in some private correspondence. Well, it’s pretty simple, and comes down to two things. Demographics and Culture. Culturally, they cut a deal that works for them and moved on. “France has no allies, only interests” isn’t a put-down: it’sa...
the first widely recognized exoplanet orbiting a sunlike star, was found by a pair of Swiss astronomers using a light-analyzing spectrograph. The Swiss didn’t see 51 Pegasi b; no one has. By using a complex mathematical method called radial velocity, they witnessed the planet’s gravitational...
Get creative, be the purple lightsaber. In a previous Star Wars-themed blog, I referred to Mace Windu’s lightsaber. It’s purple, and everyone else has a green or blue lightsaber so that you can spot him a mile off in a crowd. That’s what you’re striving for. But it’s not ...
It’s not long later that we find a place even more twee than Clifton Hampden: Marsh Baldon, which has a green more like a wildflower meadow and another pub stop, this one called The Seven Stars. Not the best picture, but it was probably for the best we didn’t take many out the...
Ahsoka's cut with her lightsaber blade saw green smoke seep through the wound before Marrok's form disappeared completely amid the green-tinted fumes. This confirms his creation by Elsbeth as a Nightbrother, a being designed strictly to do his master's bidding. This links to other iterations ...
There’s also a big marketplace, a pick your lightsaber show (instead of a wand) and flying the Falcon (instead of riding the Hogwarts Express). nrainone October 6, 2020 at 8:31 AM @Still A Fan, yes. It is absolutely a response to Universal. Galaxy's Edge is their response to ...
’ when he cast Luke Skywalker himself, Mark Hamill, as “Cock Knocker,” the villain in the ‘Bluntman and Chronic’ movie, and then had the heroes lop off Mark’s hand with a lightsaber. On cue, Hamill looks at the camera and deadpans “Not again!” in a wink to the end of ...