Who's Who in the Bible is the perfect introduction for children to the key figures of the Old and New Testaments. The book takes readers on a fascinat...Claire Llewellyn
Rebekah had no intention of letting Jacob get pushed to the back of the line while Esau moved to the front. And instead of asking for God’s will to prevail, Rebekah took matters into her own hands. As moms, we want our children to be noticed, recognized, and chosen. ...
Traditionally a Hebrew male name from the Bible. The father of Abraham in the Old Testament.Why did Terah go to Haran?Haran is the name of Abram's brother (see Genesis 11:27) so Terah apparently re-named the place Haran in memory of his son, Lot's father, who had died before the...
Remember, Abraham didn’t have even one page of the Bible. He only had what the Lord God told him. Still, the idea of sacrificing Isaac was the ultimate test. The apostle Paul explains what this test proved: it proved that Abraham believed God would raise Isaac fr...
the Law of Moses—who sought to protect their children from “contamination” from the Gentiles. Anything Greek would have been despised in Saul’s household, yet he could speak Greek and passable Latin. His household would have spoken Aramaic, a derivative of Hebrew, which was the official ...
The Holy Spirit is our mark of adoption as God’s children. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to his followers so that they could be confident in their salvation. Just as you might make a deposit or a down payment on a new car to make sure the salesperson doesn’t sell it to anyone else,...
I trampled them in my anger and trod them down in my wrath; their blood spattered my garments, and I stained all my clothing. 4 It was for me the day of vengeance; the year for me to redeem had come. 5 I looked, but there was no one to help, I was appalled that no...
43 On that day they offered great sacrifices and rejoiced because God had given them great joy. The women and children also celebrated, and Jerusalem’s rejoicing was heard far away. Support of the Levites’ Ministry 44 On that same day men were placed in charge of the rooms that housed...
“bBehold, I and the children whom God has given Me.” 14 Therefore, since the children share in 1aflesh and blood, bHe Himself likewise also partook of the same, that cthrough death He might render powerless dhim who had the power of death, that is, the devil, ...
We love family history. There are lessons to be learned, family to remember and bridges to build. There is so much we can do today to teach our children from the past and help them to aim high for the future. Let me share a… ...