Practice-guidelineWorld-Health-OrganizationThe article reports on guidelines by the World Health Organization (WHO) on treating malaria, which require testing before treatments, and use of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), the former made possible with the new rapid diagnostic tests (RDT)....
ofEnvironment,ClimateChangeandHealth),KelvinKhow(WHOFrameworkConventiononTobacco Control),Hyung-TaeKim(WHO,DepartmentofSocialDeterminantsofHealth),MarianneKjellen(UNDP),Jan Kolaczinski(WHO,GlobalMalariaProgramme),NenadKostanjsek(WHO,DepartmentofDataandAnalytics), ...
World Health Organization (WHO) prequalifies diagnostic test to support safer administration of P. vivax malaria treatments Decision reflects updated processes to improve efficiency, access On 18 December 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) prequalified the first diagnostic test for glucose-6-phosp...
WHO组织DMF编制指南 20, AVENUE A PPIA –CH-1211G ENEVA 27–S WITZERLAND –T EL CENTRAL +41227912111–F AX CENTRAL +41227913111– WWW.WHO.INT 15 January 2007 GUIDELINE ON ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENT MASTER FILE (APIMF) PROCEDURE1 (The APIMF procedure guideline does not apply to ...
(2016). Tanzania demographic and health survey and malaria indicator survey (TDHS-MIS) 2015-16. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Rockville, MD: Author. Mmbaga, E., Dodo, M., Leyna, G., Moen, K., & Leshabari, M. (2012). Sexual practices and perceived susceptibility to HIV infection ...
A doer/non-doer analysis of malaria prevention behaviours. Malar J 2006;5(1). Zhang C, Koniak-Griffin D, Qian HZ, et al. Impact of providing free HIV self-testing kits on frequency of testing among men who have sex with men and their sexual partners in China: a randomized controlled ...
recent systematic reviews) of health risks with household use of gas and kerosene; summary of specific risks from household coal use, including toxic contaminants; summary of systematic review on impacts of interventions to reduce smoke levels on risk of vector-borne disease (mainly malaria). ...
The setting of guidelines for the management of diseases (e.g. for malaria, child health, nutrition) by the World Health Organization (WHO) exerts particular influence. Guidelines typically provide syntheses of evidence on clinical efficacy and effectiveness and make recommendations for health care ...
Some of these vaccines have faced similar challenges to influenza: malaria, Japanese encephalitis, meningitis A and dengue each have restricted geographical risk in mainly LMIC targets; pneumococcal vaccines require multiple, geographically specific serotypes; and Hib-vaccine developers faced challenges in ...
(PCPNC)hasbeen updatedtoincluderecommendationsfromrecentlyapprovedWHOguidelinesrelevanttomaternaland perinatalhealth.Theseincludepre-eclampsia&eclampsia;postpartumhaemorrhage;postnatalcare forthemotherandbaby;newbornresuscitation;preventionofmother-to-childtransmissionofHIV; HIVandinfantfeeding;malariainpregnancy,tobacco...