health promotionhealth educationterminologyThe WHO Health Promotion Glossary was written to facilitate understanding, communication and cooperation among those engaged in health promotion at the local, regional, national and global levels. Two editions of the Glossary have been released, the first in ...
EducationandHealthPromotionUnit,WHO,Geneva;toIlonaKickbuschfor herexpertopinionandguidancethroughouttheprocessofpreparationand revisionoftheglossary,DivisionofHealthPromotion,Educationand Communication,WHO,Geneva;andtotheRegionalAdvisorsforHealth Promotion/HealthEducationoftheWHORegionalOfficesforco-ordinationof therev...
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Percent change based on previous 28 daysSource: World Health OrganizationMetadata Glossary and definitions Confirmed COVID-19 case Although COVID-19 defines the symptomatic disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, the cases are presented in this dashboard meet one of two alternate definitions of confirmed case...
Percent change based on previous 28 daysSource: World Health OrganizationMetadata Glossary and definitions Confirmed COVID-19 case Although COVID-19 defines the symptomatic disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, the cases are presented in this dashboard meet one of two alternate definitions of confirmed case...
10. GLOSSARY 1. Important information and who we are Purpose of this privacy policy This privacy policy aims to give you information on how WhoSampled collects and processes your personal data through your use of this website or app, including any data you may provide through this website or...
xixGlossary of terms xxiExecutive summary xxviiIntroduction 1Burden of harm in health care 11Burden of harm to the patients 14Geographic distribution of har 14、m in health care 14Burden of harm by demographic distribution 15Burden of harm by medical setting and clinical domain 17Burden of harm ...
of physical activity 849.Summary of key findings 869.1 Summary of key findings on GAPPA policy implementation 889.2 Limitations in data for global monitoring of GAPPA 9410.The way forwardfive recommendations 98References 104Glossary 107Annex 1ology to estimate the cost of physical inactivity 110Annex ...
either expressed or implied.The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader.In no event shall the World Health Organization and UNESCO be liable for damages arising from its use.ContentsForeword ivAcknowledgements vAbbreviations and acronyms viGlossary viiSummary ...
WHO (1998)Health Promotion Glossary. WHO, Geneva. WHO/HPR/ HEP/98. Google Scholar Whitehead M (1987)The Health Divide. London, Health Education Council. Google Scholar Winslow CEA, (1951)The Cost of Sickness and the Price of Health. WHO, Geneva. ...